Buy Shoutout & Hire Fan Accounts Influencer with 73.9k Followers on Tiktok

Hire ........_lexicon influencer with 73.9k
  • Success 0 Success score = Influencer’s ability to complete ad campaigns. The higher the score, the more likely this influencer will post your ad.


This account was created back in 2006 and worked on the Official Guide to the Saga in 2008.  I just started sharing my Twilight related information and stories on TikTok. I gained over 1M views on one of my vids in 24 hours. I usually post new content at night and on weekends. I just went back to school so weekends are the best time for me to post. My audience is mostly teens and 20 somethings who are just now discovering the saga as well as a few 30-50 somethings who have loved it for years and are enjoying the twilight renaissance. I also love all things nerdy - Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, musicals.... and I'm a teacher! My posts are all just me telling stories.  Nothing really fancy. But I'm willing to learn! 



About The Seller

Member since
Aug 2021
Last Order
11 months ago

Collab Options

Delivery Within 3 Days

73.9k Follower Audience

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Why Shoutcart

Guaranteed & Secure Payments

All funds are held in Shoutcart until influencers complete your order. We make sure influencers adhere to posting policy and that you are satisfied with the work.

Direct Message

Influencers are directly signed up on Shoutcart. You don't need to deal with ghost influencers and chase DMs, just add shoutouts to cart and schedule the order!

Shoutcart Score

We check influencers for authenticity of their audience daily. Our proprietary Shoutcart Score ranks influencers based on success and results.