How to Create Eye-Catching YouTube Videos with Ease

How to Create Eye-Catching YouTube Videos with Ease

It's no secret that most internet users now prefer watching videos online to reading text articles. With the rising popularity of video content among internet users, YouTube has quickly become the second most popular website in the US with over 2 billion monthly active users. Today, both brands and influencers establish and maintain their social media presence on this video-sharing app, hoping for the attention of the same audience.

Since the number of video content is constantly growing, investing time and effort into creating eye-catching YouTube videos has become a must: only engaging videos grab the audience's attention.

Why Should Influencers and Brands Create Eye-Catching YouTube Videos?

No matter who you are, whether an YouTube influencer or brand, you should create eye-catching YouTube videos to:

  • Become popular on the most popular video-sharing platform: YouTube is undoubtedly the most visited video content platform, with more than 15 million content creators globally. So if you want to reach a large audience with your message or brand, YouTube is the best place to start.
The most popular social media platform for video content
  • Keep viewers hooked and engaged: If you can make your YouTube videos visually appealing, you're more likely to keep viewers engaged throughout the video. This step is crucial because it increases the likelihood that viewers will watch your videos all the way through and the chance that they'll remember your brand or message.
  • Grow interest in your YouTube channel: The secret to growing your channel's interest is creating informative and visually appealing videos. If you manage to do this, you'll find that your YouTube channel will gradually become more popular, and you'll start attracting more subscribers. Then, more viewers and watch time will automatically improve your organic ranking because your channel will be perceived as trustworthy.

Creating eye-catching YouTube videos is not as difficult as it may seem. With creativity and knowledge of secrets, you can easily make engaging and visually-appealing YouTube videos to help you achieve your goals. Here are seven ways to create eye-catching YouTube videos with ease.

You learn through observation, so spying on the popular YouTube channels in your niche is a great way to understand what works best and draw inspiration from creators who have succeeded.

However, spying doesn't mean copying. You can take note of the video editing techniques, transitions, and formats used by these popular YouTube channels. Then, you can try applying these techniques in your videos to see if they work for you.

You may also find popular YouTubers and collaborate with them. Not only can you get some good ideas from these creators, but you can also find out new creative ways on how to promote your own YouTube videos. To find relevant YouTube creators, use ShoutCart:

YouTube creators you can find by keywords

With Shoutcart, you get an opportunity to filter creators by social media channel, category, demographics, and following size. It helps you find YouTube creators who share the same target audience as your channel and learn from them on creating eye-catching YouTube videos to bring your account to the new level.

2. Plan Your Video Content in Advance

When it comes to creating YouTube videos, planning is essential. This is because you must ensure that your videos deliver the right message to your audience at the right time.

Planning includes coming up with creative ideas for your videos and writing scripts and storyboards.

First, conduct keyword research to see what topics are popular among your target audience. You may use YouTube's autocomplete feature or Google Keyword Planner for this. This step helps you to optimize your YouTube for SEO and make the channel discoverable.

Once you have a list of keywords, come up with ideas for your videos. For instance, if you're in the meditation niche, you may want to create a video on how to meditate for beginners or the benefits of meditation.

Once you have an idea for your video, it's time to start writing a script. Keep in mind that your script should be engaging and informative. It should also be around 2 minutes long to keep your viewers' attention throughout the video.

When planning your video content, make sure to keep the following in mind:

  • The purpose of the video: What are you trying to achieve with this video?
  • The target audience: Who do you intend to reach or help with the video?
  • The length of the video: How long should the video be?
  • The format of the video: What type of video would be most suitable for your purpose and audience?

3. Use a Variety of Video Creation Tools

Luckily, there are a variety of video creation tools that help both professional and aspiring video makers to make eye-catching YouTube videos with ease. Most of these tools have different in-built features and effects that make the video content creation process easier.

From ready-to-use templates to customization options, there are many ways to make stunning videos that represent your personal brand identity and hook the attention of the right audience.

If you're not sure where to start, consider using one or more of the following tools:

The most popilar video editing apps
  • Adobe Creative Suite: Adobe Creative Suite is a popular choice among professional YouTube creators. You can access powerful video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects with Adobe Creative Suite.
  • Final Cut Pro: Final Cut Pro is video editing software many professional YouTube creators use. It offers advanced video editing tools to create professional-looking videos with titles and effects.
  • iMovie: iMovie is a video editing software that comes pre-installed on all Mac computers. It's an excellent choice for beginners who want to create simple yet eye-catching YouTube videos.

4. Lay a Bet on Storytelling

Storytelling is a significant part of creating YouTube videos that are both engaging and visually appealing. When planning your video content, include a story that will capture the attention of your viewers.

Your story doesn't have to be long or complicated. The best stories are often those that are simple and easy to understand. However, ensure that your story has a beginning, middle, and end.

For instance, suppose you're planning to create a YouTube video about the benefits of health nutrition. You could start by telling a story about someone struggling with anxiety and stress. Then, you could explain how proper food has helped them to cope with these problems. Finally, you could conclude by sharing the results of their healthy food practice.

Not only should the story entertain, but it also should offer value to your viewers. This is because YouTube viewers are more likely to watch and engage with videos that offer them something of value. As a result, it helps to create eye-catching YouTube videos your audience wants to watch.

5. Make a YouTube Video Thumbnail

A YouTube video thumbnail is a small image that appears on your YouTube video when it's shared on social media or embedded on a website. Creating an eye-catching YouTube thumbnail is essential because it can make all the difference in whether or not people click on your video.

When creating your YouTube thumbnail, consider using an attention-grabbing image and adding text to it.

Another tip is to use colors that contrast nicely with each other. For example, you could use a white background with black text. This contrast will help to make your YouTube thumbnail more eye-catching and easier to read.

You may also use the thumbnail to differentiate your brand. By brand, we mean the colors, fonts, and overall style that you use in your YouTube videos. Stick to the same colors, fonts, and style in your YouTube thumbnail so that people can easily recognize your brand. Here's how Sephora creates appealing thumbnails for its video collections on their YouTube channel:

Sephora's YouTube channel with creative thumbnails

6. Interact with Your YouTube Viewers

Engaging with your YouTube viewers is a great way to connect with them and build a community around your channel. When you have a connection with your viewers, it's easier for you to analyze their preferences and therefore produce video content they want to see. Why? You can simply communicate with an engaged audience and ask them the right questions.

There are a few different ways that you can interact with your viewers:

  • Respond to comments: When people leave comments on your videos, make sure to respond to them. This shows that you're listening to what they have to say and that you value their opinion. Moreover, these comments can include valuable tips on video creation.
  • Ask questions: It is a great way to start a conversation with your viewers. For example, you could ask questions about the topic of your video or something related to your industry. What is more, you can ask what videos they like most.
  • Hold giveaways: YouTube giveaways are a great way to engage with your viewers and grow your channel. To hold a giveaway, ask people to leave a comment on your video and then choose a winner at random. To make YouTube videos, you can ask giveaway participants to share their feedback on your videos.
  • Collaborate with other YouTube creators: Working with professionals, you can find new ideas for your videos, co-promote your videos to reach new viewers, and grow your channel.

7. Add Timestamps to Video Descriptions

Adding timestamps to your video descriptions is a proven way to help people find the information they're looking for. Timestamps also make it easier for people to share specific parts of your video with others.

To add timestamps to your video description, create a list of the topics covered in your video and then include the timestamp next to each topic. For example, if your video is about meditation, you could include the following timestamps:

- 0:00 - Introduction

- 1:15 - What is meditation?

- 2:30 - The benefits of meditation

- 4:00 - How to meditate

- 5:15 - Conclusion

Including timestamps in your video descriptions makes it easier for people to find the information they're looking for. This, in turn, will encourage them to watch your videos and share them with others. Check out how it can look like in action:

An example of YouTube timestamps

Some assume that timestamps will decrease the overall view time of their YouTube videos. However, this is not the case. Instead, adding timestamps to your video description can increase the overall view time because people are more likely to watch a video that they can easily navigate.

Final Thoughts

Creating eye-catching YouTube videos doesn't have to be complicated. Following this article's tips, you can quickly create engaging and informative videos that will help grow your YouTube channel. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!