7 Ways Your YouTube Channel Can Boost Your Email Marketing and Vice Versa

For many marketers, YouTube and email marketing seem like completely separate tools that work for different audiences and niches. However, that’s far from the truth. These two channels may work in different ways and for different reasons, but they make an exceptional combination when it comes to your marketing efforts.

Knowing how to craft engaging YouTube videos to promote your brand might not do the trick anymore. On the contrary, figuring out how to integrate them correctly in your email campaigns is what will bring you one step closer to success and help your brand reach a wider audience.

Incorporating YouTube videos in your email marketing campaigns improves your open rates, as well as the overall performance of your emails. The benefits go both ways since email marketing can boost both the visibility and ranking of your YouTube videos.  And if you think that’s all there is to it, just keep reading to find out the endless possibilities this unique pair has to offer.

The Benefits of Combining YouTube Videos and Email Marketing

After all the time email marketing has been around, it has proven to be one of the most robust marketing tools. Nonetheless, simple text emails might not cut it anymore. Email recipients expect compelling visuals that draw their attention and make them want to learn more about your brand’s value proposition.

And that’s where video email marketing comes in. An email containing a video offers an enhanced experience that drives better engagement and improves your email performance. Here are some of the main benefits of leveraging your YouTube videos to enhance your email campaign performance:

Improving customer experience

Your subscribers are always looking for easier ways to consume content. Reading long text blocks in emails or blog posts is usually overwhelming, so watching a video helps them digest information in a pleasant and user-friendly way.

Building customer trust

Incorporating videos in your emails allows you to add a more personal touch to your marketing efforts. You can share your brand story, introduce team members, and show behind-the-scenes footage. This makes your company feel relatable and trustworthy.

Expanding your reach

Not every subscriber will see your initial message, so making sure to cross-promote your content expands your reach to prospective customers. Also, both videos and emails account for a large portion of mobile data traffic, thus raising the visibility of your content.

Increasing your customer touchpoints

By repurposing your content, you increase your touchpoints with prospects, and your message gets to stay top of mind. In the long term, this process leads to deepening your relationship with your customers and building brand awareness.


Best Ways to Boost Your Email Marketing Campaigns Through Your YouTube Channel

Now that we have established how videos and emails complement each other, let’s move along to see how your business benefits from their combination. Let’s begin by exploring the best ways to leverage your YouTube channel to boost your email marketing efforts.

Highlight your videos through your email subject lines

The email subject line is the most crucial element for motivating email recipients to open your email campaign. Compelling subject lines that pick your recipients’ interest boost your open rates, increasing your chances for conversions. Imagine what they can do when you include the word ‘video’ or an emoji indicating that there’s a video inside the email.

So, make sure to highlight your YouTube video in your subject line by using the actual word or a corresponding emoji to urge subscribers to open your email. Always use A/B testing to check what resonates better with your target audience. You can either take advantage of your email marketing software’s analytics features or any of the Google Analytics tools to monitor and analyze data with ease.

Showcasing your video as the core attribute of your email campaign is a great tactic to entice recipients to click through your content. That is why it’s essential for you to embed your video in a strategic place that will make recipients want to learn all about your business proposition.

For instance, placing it at the top of your email could prove to be effective for catching their attention immediately. On the other hand, displaying your YouTube video at the bottom of your email is a great opportunity for them to read more about how watching it could address their pain points. Regardless of the placement, our advice would be to leverage a relatively simple email copy, combined with a bold and actionable CTA to catch your recipient’s eye.

All you have to do is ask

Apart from promoting events or product launches, YouTube video content can prove to be particularly valuable for capturing email subscribers. All you need to do is ask. What does this mean? Opt for encouraging your viewers to join your email list in each video you create. A sure-fire method to lure them in is to offer an incentive directly related to the video they just finished watching.

This type of initiative gives your viewers access to information that complements the video message and increases its value. You could start with something general that is related to your niche and later move to incentives that complement the video where they are promoted. If you are wondering what could you provide alongside your YouTube video, let us be of help:

  • Downloadable material related to what you covered in the video
  • PDF instructions to allow viewers to dive deeper into the data shared
  • Exclusive content such as future product releases or upcoming events
  • Specific email courses that offer in-depth knowledge

Whatever you do, make sure you focus your content on what’s in it for them. Don’t go for just pitching your offer because that could make you come across as pushy. As you go through your video and before signing off, casually mention the additional insights they can get for free just by joining your mailing list.

Promote company events with videos

From time to time, most businesses hold some type of event, and event planners leverage video footage from the event hosted. Benefit from your YouTube channel to showcase videos recounting key moments from your recent event. This will give your subscribers a taste of what your business is all about and how your team works when in action. You can also include behind-the-scenes footage to make them feel included in your overall company culture.

Watching this kind of video serves as a way of encouraging people to subscribe to one of your upcoming events. Once more, include a relevant CTA that urges email recipients to learn more about the events coming right up and sign up for them as soon as possible. To take it one step further, why not leverage some attendee testimonial videos as a social proof element to show that your events are of great value to other people in your niche?


Create playlists

In case you don’t know that already, creating playlists is one of the most effective strategies for a successful YouTube channel. What most people don’t know, though, is that it’s also a robust way to drive viewer engagement. When people watch more minutes on your channel through dedicated playlists, you are offered a double benefit: YouTube rewards you by further promoting your video content AND you enhance your chances of converting users into email sign-ups.

YouTube playlists offer your subscribers the opportunity to easily find and watch the videos that are most relevant to their needs and preferences. Back-end analytics indicate the topics your viewers are most interested in, helping you decide on what type of content to craft for your following YouTube video efforts.

Separate videos into different categories based on what content you plan on covering so that users can explore various topics and find what fits their interests best. If, for example, you use a video to share valuable tips on how to create a business contract, you could also leverage videos containing corresponding demonstrations or even testimonials to further engage your audience.

Why is Email Marketing Important for Your YouTube Channel?

After having established how YouTube videos enhance your email marketing efforts, now it’s time to go through the benefits email marketing brings to your YouTube channel. Email marketing has standalone value, helping you stay in touch with your audience and increasing conversions. Let’s continue by exploring some of the ways email marketing enables you to boost user engagement on your YouTube channel.

Emails enhance your credibility

Making a great first impression is of the utmost importance in the business world. You may create compelling video content and share it with thousands of people, but when you do just that, users could think of you as just another YouTuber who does no more than the bare minimum and lacks professionalism.

Now imagine you start off with an email campaign that is centered around your unique selling proposition but also offers high-quality content that resonates with your viewers’ specific requirements. That way, your audience sees you are passionate about your channel and want to invest in a long-lasting relationship with them. Email marketing is the perfect tool for building trust and demonstrating you aren’t in the YouTube business just for the views or likes.

You can use your newsletters to share valuable tips, announce product launches, promote additional resources, and so much more that show your subscribers you care about their needs and want to make their life better. In return, they will start sharing your videos, leaving you comments, and interacting with your brand in ways you couldn’t have imagined.

You can collect valuable data

Having a dedicated YouTube channel offers you numerous opportunities, but getting to connect with your audience in a more personal way isn’t one of them. On the contrary, email marketing has the necessary capabilities to get you to know and understand your target audience. It’s a valuable asset that saves you time from performing market research since your email campaigns do all the work for you.

Through email marketing, you gain access to data such as your subscribers’ preferences, demographic information, purchasing habits, and more. Not only that, but you can actually ask them for feedback so that you choose to improve the appropriate elements based on their suggestions. You can even incorporate exciting surveys in your emails to hear everything from the horse’s mouth and discover what subscribers expect from your videos.


Your recipients will show the way for you to produce content that addresses their pain points and that they want to share with others. This is the heart of personalized marketing that lets you target different customer segments with customized content that suits their needs. So, not only are you able to optimize your videos to rank better and get more views, but you get to stay one step ahead of your competitors.

Email marketing keeps you independent of the YouTube platform

Everyone involved in YouTube channels is - or should be - aware of the platform’s algorithm changes and glitches. Due to that, your number of subscribers and video views could drop unexpectedly. Or worse, it could lead to your channel getting shut down in the blink of an eye if it isn’t aligned with YouTube policies. Losing all your hard work instantly sounds devastating, doesn’t it?

Now let’s compare that with the advantages email marketing offers. Having an email list means that you have an offline database of contacts and with that comes direct access to their inboxes. That way, you are able to continue being in touch with your viewers even if your channel gets shut down or banned for any reason.

Email marketing has proven to be a powerful tool that is guaranteed to work no matter the circumstances. Versatile platforms like ConvertKit and other email marketing alternatives have powerful features that allow you to create one-to-one relationships with your leads through personalization and segmentation. What’s more, they ensure your recipient data and email campaign analytics are safely stored and secured, following the most recent data protection regulations.

Final Words

Hopefully, by now you understand that considering your YouTube channel and your email marketing as complementary strategies is a prerequisite for your business success. YouTube is a great source of brand exposure, enabling you to reach new audiences without too much effort. But email marketing allows you to get your most engaged subscribers to sign up for your email list and deepen the relationship by dispatching personalized email messages.

Right now, personalization and interactivity are rising trends in the marketing world - and YouTube videos serve them both. Incorporating videos into your email marketing urges recipients to click through your email campaigns. Just don’t forget the following elements:

  • Carefully select the perfect video for each campaign
  • Craft eye-catching subject lines
  • Provide value related to the email content
  • Include personalization elements
  • Pick a bold and straightforward CTA

After you make sure everything is in place, go ahead and get your email recipients excited about your business proposition by featuring your YouTube videos in your campaigns. We bet your upcoming emails will drive traffic and your subscribers will be looking forward to learning all about your next moves.


Maria Fintanidou works as a Copywriter for email marketing automation software Moosend, having created the Help Articles (FAQs) and overseen the platform’s translations in Greek and Spanish. She loves exploring new cultures and ways of thinking through traveling, reading, and language learning.